Wednesday, July 3, 2013


You know how you suppose to have that one friend that is always in their feelings. They always tryanna say you did something. Well , i had one of those friends! She always was in her feelings! This chick had the nerve to tell me that i ruined her birthday weekend! She aint even cute or special enough to have a whole weekend for a party! Like she needed to get her life together! And she fake asf,! I cant stand people like her! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I was pissed!

Friday, June 28, 2013




Hello :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Well, As I've been saying for the past Couple of weeks! Today IS MY BIRTHDAY! I am official 16 years old. It really doesn't feel like my birthday but it is! I'm really ready to go to sleep and just eat my birthday away lol. I'm Happy i got to see my 16th birthday! I'm thankful for everything ive done and everything that has come to me. Thanks everybody! I really appreciate all the love!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A special gift for mom

So i am tryanna think what i would like to do for my mom. I want to give back to her because she is my mom and she does everything for me. Like i appreciative everything she does, but its time for me to do something for her. So i am trying to find some stuff to do. But its hard to find stuff to do for your mom when you don't really know what her type is. But i have thought of the perfect idea. I'm going to cook for her and give her a spa day. Its going to be a good day because i know she needs it.

Monday, June 24, 2013


So Yesterday , i went to Alum creek beach. I never had been so i went with my friend and her family. We was swimming and then all of a sudden we heard sirens. We didnt know where they were coming to the beach. But all of a sudden, they starting driving into the parking lot. People were getting out of the water. Then it was a crowd. So me and my friend were about to walk over there but we heard people saying that they somebody had a heart attack. Then they said somebody passed out. But finally everybody start leaving and i heard someone say that a person had died. i was so disgusted. And even worse, the beach used to be cemetery! Thats just disgusting! I cant believe that! To find out more, go to the link below!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Love For Heels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love to wear heels all day , everyday.! Even if i cant walk in them right, I still like to wear them, My motto for heels is the taller the better.  I love all different colors and styles. I love them when i can wear them with anything i want to and not feel judge.  Heels are like a fashion statement for me. They say that even if your not the sexiest or most beautiful per
son on the planet,you can wear heels to bring out your outer beauty


Friday, June 21, 2013

My Enjoyment In Life

The main interest of my life is to cook. I really want to go to school to be come a chef and i want to own my own restraint. I have a role model that i want to be like in the world of chefs and celebrities. I really like the way that Rachael ray.She is a very inspirational woman and i one day would love to be in her shoes. I would love to be where she is one day and see whats its like to give back and are very good cooks. She is one of the few independent married women you see on television that you see handling her own. She is one of my many inspirations. :)

This Is Me..............................

Hi my name is Mahogany Saunders. I am a junior at downtown high school aka career center. I am 15 years old . I will be turning 16 on june 27th! I have a wonderful mother who has 4 beautiful kids and my dad has 6 wonderful kids. I am the oldest child of both my parents kids. Me and my mom have a good relationship but me and my dads relationship on the other hand......... its really not good. I have taken the oppurtiunity to get a job this summer so that i can take that next step in my future. So i have decided to start a blog so that i can let people know about myself and my interest.

My blog is about my originality. I want to group and become a Chef and own my own business all at the same time. So i want to take along the journey of my life through a blog. Hopefully you can get a lil insight into my life through it. Im going to keep it fun fresh and interesting. My blog will be like something youve never heard because i state the truth and tell it how it really is. I DONT HAVE TO SUGARCOAT NOTHING. So if you cant handle the truth, then my blog aint meant for you. I hope you really enjoy it and keep on reading my blog. Thanks for enjoying blog.